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HiEnviro-Sponge™ Sticks
Analyzed Quantitative Unknowns
Sterile Sampling Bags
Connecting Adapters
Thermometer or Inlet
Flow Control
Distillation, Adapters
Vacuum - Adapters
Drying Tube
Airfree Schlenk
Arsine Generator
Arsine Generator
Arsenic Limit Test - As Per Japanese Pharmacopeia- JP XIV
Arsine Generator - USP Type
Arsine Generator - USP Type (Improved Version)
Arsine Generator- European Pharmacopeia Method 2.4.2
Beakers with Handles
Heavy Duty, Low Form, Graduated
Standard Wall, Griffin Low Form, Double Scale, Graduated
Standard Wall, Tall Form, with Spout, Graduated
PTFE (Teflon) Beakers
Jacketed Reaction Beaker
Plastic Beakers
Acrylic Burette with PTFE Key Stopcock
Glass Burette with PTFE Key Stopcock, Class A
Micro-Precision Burettes with PTFE Key Stopcock, Class A
Burette, Educational Grade
Automatic Self Zeroing Burette With PTFE Key
Automatic Self Zeroing Burette With Bottle
Hempel Gas Burette
Caps and Closures
Caps and Closures
Caps, Solid, GL- 45 Threads, Polypropylene Color Caps
Polypropylene Caps
Phenolic Caps
High Temperature Caps, Solid, PBTE, PTFE Seals
Caps and Septa for Chromatography Vials
Plastic Caps for Test Tubes
GL Caps With Aperture
Silicone Sealing Rings for GL Threads
Pouring Rings, GL-45, Polypropylene
Chromatography Flow Control Adapter
Chromatography Reservoir
Chromatography, Rodaviss Joint, Flow Control Adapter
Chromatography, Rodaviss Joint, Reservoir
Sprayer, TLC Chromatography
Specialty Glass Column/Drying Column With Reservoir
Chromatography, Purge Sampler, Fritted
Chromatography Columns
Disposable Cleanup/Drying Chromatography Columns
Multi-necked Square Purging bottle with GL45 screw cap, capacity 1000ml
Square Media/Solution Bottles and Caps
Graduated Measuring Cylinders, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, Mixing, To Contain (TC), As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Deliver (TD), Single Metric Scale, With Bumper Guard, Plastic Hexagonal Base
Hydrometer Cylinders
Nessler Cylinder
Tap Density Cylinder
Cylinders, Soil Suspension, ASTM-AASHO
Bumper Guard, Plastic
Nessler cylinder Stand
Measuring Cylinder, PP
Petri Dishes (Borosilicate Glass)
PS (Poly Styrene) Petri Dishes
Evaporating Dishes, Glass
Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain
Dishes, Crystallizing, Without Spout
Hexagonal Polystyrene Weighing Dishes
Round Dishes
Disposable Round Aluminum Weighing Dishes with Tabs
Shake Flask
Flask, Round Bottom, Threaded
Iodine Flasks
Erlenmeyer Flasks
Round Bottom Flasks
Flat Bottom Flasks
Filtering / Vacuum Flasks
Evaporation / Recovery Flasks
Pear Shape Flasks
Schlenk Tube Flasks
TLG® Flasks for Determining Phosphoric Acid in Fertilizer
Kohlrausch Volumetric Flasks
Flask, Distillation
Volumetric Flasks
Combustion Flask
Kjeldahl Flasks
Flask, PP
Quartz Volumetric Flask
Filtration Products
Filtration Products
Filter Papers
Glass Microfiber Filters, Binder-Free
Filter Vials
Disposable Vacuum Filtration Apparatus
Syringe Filters
Filtration Extraction Thimbles - Grade 645 Cellulose
Filtration Extraction Thimbles - Grade 649 Glass Fiber
Membrane Filters
Buchner Funnel
Filter Funnel
Filter/Filtration Tube
Powder Funnel
Pressure Equalizing
Separatory Funnel
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Clear, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With Two Marks, Clear, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Low Actinic Amber, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Reusable Glass Pipette, Serological, Class A, Color-Coded, To Deliver
Pipette, Measuring (Mohr) Class A, Color-Coded, with Colored Markings, To Deliver
Disposable Borosilicate Glass Pasteur Pipettes
TLG® Disposable Bulk Glass Serological Pipets, TD, Non-Sterile, Unplugged
Pipet Pump
Plastic Serological Disposable Pipettes, Sterile
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Buchner Funnel
Buchner Funnel, Porcelain
Filter Funnel, Buchner, Inner Joint
Filter Funnel, Buchner
Filter Funnel, Buchner, Perforated Plate
Filter Funnel, Buchner, Inner Joint, Perforated Plate
Funnel, Filter, Buchner, Jacketed
Filter Funnel, Buchner, Inner Joint, Four mouth
Filter Funnel
Funnel, Solvent Addition
Filter Funnel, Hirsch
Funnel Filtering, 60° Angle, With Stem
Funnel, Micro
Plain Funnels, Stemless
Filter/Filtration Tube
Filter Tube, Fritted Disc
Filter Tube, Fritted Disc, With 2mm Glass Stopcock
Funnel, Addition, High Vacuum Valve
Funnel, Filter, Fritted Disc
Funnel, Filter, Fritted Disc, High Vacuum
Powder Funnel
Funnel, Powder
Funnel, Plain, Filling, Powder
Pressure Equalizing
Funnel, Pressure Equalizing, Teflon® Stopcock
Funnel, Pressure Equalizing, High vacuum Valve
Funnel, Pressure Equalizing
Funnel, Pressure Equalizing, Pear shaped
Separatory Funnel
Funnel, Separatory
Funnel Separatory - Jointed
Funnel Separatory, Amber
Funnel, Separatory Sure-Grip
Funnel, Separatory, PTFE Stopcock, Cylindrical Shaped
Cylindrical Funnel, Separatory, Graduated
Capillary Tubes
Melting Point Capillary
TLG® Spotting Capillary Tubes
Tube Connecting
Tube, Connecting, T-Shape
Tube, Connecting, Y-Shape
Check Valve
Evaporation Tubes
Culture Tubes
Disposable Culture Tubes, Rimless-Premium Grade
Screw Thread Borosilicate Glass Test Tube
Screw Thread Glass Test Tubes - Accessories
Screw Thread Borosilicate Glass Test Tubes
Reusable Screw Thread Borosilicate Glass Test Tubes
Reusable Test Tubes with Beaded Rim
Reusable Test Tubes with Plain End
Reusable Graduated Test Tubes With Pennyhead Stoppers
Reusable Graduated Test Tubes With Pennyhead Stoppers
Gas Measuring Tubes
Digestion Tube
NMR Tube Washer
Pear Shape Centrifuge Tubes
Centrifuge Tubes
Round-Bottom Glass Centrifuge Tubes
TLG® Disposable Glass Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Ungraduated, without Screw Cap
Glass Media/Storage Bottles
Glass Media/Storage Bottles, Amber
Glass Media/Storage Bottles, Clear
Multi-necked Square Purging bottle with GL45 screw cap, capacity 1000ml
Square Media/Solution Bottles and Caps
GL80 Clear Wide Mouth Media Bottles with Caps
Dropping Bottles
Dropping Bottles, Clear
Dropping Bottles, Amber
BOD Bottle
Pycnometers Gay - Lussac, Calibrated
Alcohol Burner Bottle
Bottles Reagent, Narrow Mouth
Bottles Reagent, Narrow Mouth, Clear Glass
Bottles Reagent, Narrow Mouth, Amber Glass
Boston Round Glass Bottles
Boston Round Glass Bottles , Narrow Mouth, Amber
Boston Round Glass Bottles , Narrow Mouth, Clear Glass
Boston Round Glass Bottles , wide Mouth, Amber
Bottle, Gas Washing
Bottle, Gas Washing, Fritted
Bottle, Gas Washing, Fritted Disc
Bottles Reagent, Wide Mouth
Pycnometer Bottle
Adapter, Inlet, 90°, With Cone Joint
Adapter, Inlet (Straight), With Cone Joint
Adapter, Inlet 90°, Outer Joint (Socket Joint)
Adapter, Inlet (Straight), With Frit Disc
Adapter, Inlet (Straight), Outer Joint (Socket Joint)
Adapter, Inlet, With Hose & Tube Connections (Cone Joint)
Adapter, Inlet, Long Stem
Adapter, Ground Joint, Reduced Diameter, Extended, Drip Tube
Adapter, Full length, Sealed Tube, Inner Part Only, Interchangeble Joint
Adapter, Twin Connecting Hose
Adapters, Inlet, Straight, Hose Connection
Adapter, Inlet 90°, Inner Joint (Cone Joint)
Connecting Adapters
Adapter, Bushing
Adapter, Reducing
Adapter, Enlarging
Adapter, Connecting
Adapter, With Spherical Socket
Adapter, With Spherical (Ball) Joint
Adapter, Connecting, Two Outer Joints
Adapter, Connecting, Two Inner Joints
Adapter, Connecting Four Arm
Adapter, U-Shape
Adapter, Connecting, One Socket, Two Cones
Adapter, Connecting, Two Sockets, One Cone
Adapter, Connecting Inlet
Connecting/Distilling Adapter Tube
Adapter, With Spherical Socket, with vent
Thermometer or Inlet
Adapter, Thermometer, Inlet, With Rubber Fitting
Adapter, Inlet or Thermometer
Adapter, Thermometer (Cone Joint)
Adapter, Inlet with Hose Connection
Adapter, PTFE, Thermocouple,
Adapters, PTFE, Universal, Inlet
Adapters, for Pocket Thermometer
Vacuum - Adapters
Adapter, Vacuum/Gas, Ball Joint
Adapter, Vacuum Take-off, Long Stem, 105°
Adapter, Inlet With Hose Connection, Straight
Adapter, Vacuum Take-off, Short Stem, Bend
Adapter, Vacuum Distilling
Adapters, Vacuum Filtration
Distillation, Adapters
Adapter, Distillation, Bent 105°
Adapter, Distillation, Receiving Short Stem
Adapter, Distillation, Receiving Long Stem
Receiver Adapters, Straight
Adapter, Distillation Connecting, Still Head, Plain, With Thermometer Socket
Adapter, Distilling, 75°
Adapter, Distilling, Bent, 105°
Adapter, Distillation Head, Jacketed
Adapter, Distillation Connecting, Vigreux
Adapter, Distillation, With Threaded Thermometer Port
Adapter, Distillation, With Thermometer Joint
Adapter, Recovery Bend, 75°
Adapter, Claisen, Dual Entry
Adapter, Claisen, Three-Inlet Type
Adapter, Pour Out
Adapter, Direct Drip
Adapter, Kjeldahl Trap
Steam Distillation Heads
Splash Head, Pear Shape Sloping
Flow Control
Adapter, Flow Control, PTFE Stopcock 90°, Inner Joint (Cone Joint)
Adapter, Flow Control (Straight), PTFE Stopcock, Inner Joint (Cone Joint)
Adapter, Flow Control (Straight), PTFE Stopcock, 90°, Outer Joint (Socket Joint)
Adapter, Flow Control, Metering Stopcock, 90° (Cone Joint)
Adapter, Flow Control, Glass Stopcock 90°, Inner Joint (Cone Joint)
Stopcock Adapter - Rotaflow Key, 24/40Cone Size - Straight Connection
Adapter, Vacuum
Adapter, Vacuum Transfer
Adapter, Flushing (Vertical), Cone Joint
Adapter, Flushing (Horizontal), Cone Joint
Adapter, Flushing, Top Socket & Lower Cone Joints
Airfree Schlenk
Adapter, Connecting
Adapter Airfree Schlenk, Transfer Valve
Drying Tube
Adapter, Drying Tube, “U” Shaped
Adapter, Drying Tube, Straight
Adapter, Drying Tube, 75°
Adapter, Bubbler, Airfree, Schlenk
Adapter, With Mineral Oil Bubbler
Burette, Educational Grade
Straight Bore PTFE Stopcock Burets, Funnel Filled - Educational Grade, Class A tolerance
Replacement Parts
TLG® Burette, Economy Grade, PTFE Locking Stopcock
Automatic Self Zeroing Burette With PTFE Key
Automatic Self Zeroing Burette With Bottle
Hempel Gas Burette
Micro-Precision Burettes with PTFE Key Stopcock, Class A
Burette, Micro-Precision, With Straight Bore PTFE Key Stopcock- Individually Serialized
Burette, Micro-Precision, With Straight Bore PTFE Key Stopcock - Batch Certified
Glass Burette with PTFE Key Stopcock, Class A
Burette With Straight Bore PTFE Key Stopcock, Batch Certified, Class A
Burette With Straight Bore PTFE Key Stopcock, Individually Serialized, Class A
Acrylic Burette with PTFE Key Stopcock
Column Packing Material
Beads, Solid Glass
Glass Helices
Column Distillation
Column, Distilling, Vigreux
Column, Distilling, Vacuum Jacketed
Column, Distilling
Column, Distilling, Vigreux, Jacketed
Column, Distilling, Hemple
Condenser, Cold Finger, With Drip Tip
Condenser, Reflux
Condenser, Coiled
Condenser, Graham
Condenser West
Condenser, Reflux, Large Cooling Capacity
Condenser, Reflux, Bent 105°
Condenser, Internal Coil, Jacketed
Condenser, Allihn
Condenser, Liebig
Condenser, Dewar, Micro, 105°
Condenser, Dewar, Micro, 180°
Condenser, Davies
Condenser, Reflux, Jacketed Coil
Condenser, Friedrichs
Condenser, Coiled, Drip Tip, Spherical Joint
Chromatography Flow Control Adapter
Chromatography Reservoir
Chromatography, Rodaviss Joint, Flow Control Adapter
Chromatography, Rodaviss Joint, Reservoir
Disposable Cleanup/Drying Chromatography Columns
Sprayer, TLC Chromatography
Specialty Glass Column/Drying Column With Reservoir
Chromatography, Purge Sampler, Fritted
Chromatography Columns
Chromatography, Column Plain, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography, Column, Fritted Disc, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography Column, Standard Taper Joint, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography Column, Standard Taper Joint, Teflon® Stopcock, With Coarse Porosity
Chromatography, Column, With Reservoir, Standard Taper Joint, Teflon® Stopcock, Fritted Disc
Chromatography Column, Spherical Joints, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography Column, Fritted Disc, Spherical Joint, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography, Column, With Reservoir, Spherical Joint, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography, Column, With Reservoir, Spherical Joint, Teflon® Stopcock, Fritted Disc
Chromatography Column, Modified
Chromatography Column, With Top Outer Joint
Chromatography, Column, Rodaviss Joint, Teflon® Stopcock
Chromatography, Column, Rodaviss Joint, Teflon® Stopcock, Fritted Disc
Chromatography, Column, With Reservoir, Standard Taper Joint, Teflon® Stopcock
Glass Columns with PTFE Stopcock Assembly
Crucible, Gooch Type , High Form With Sintered Disc
crucible Holder
Crucible, Gooch Type , low Form With Sintered Disc
Porcelain - High Form
High-Form Porcelain Crucibles
Porcelain Crucible Covers (For High Form Porcelain Crucibles)
Porcelain Crucible with Gooch Filter and Cover
Porcelain - Low (Wide) Form
Low(Wide)-Form Porcelain Crucibles
Porcelain Covers Crucibles (For Low Form Porcelain Crucibles)
Alumina Crucible
Nickel Crucibles
Porous Crucibles
Cold Test
Cold Test Cloud and Pour Points Jars
Cylinders, To Deliver (TD), Single Metric Scale, With Bumper Guard, Plastic Hexagonal Base
Nessler Cylinder
Tap Density Cylinder
Bumper Guard, Plastic
Hydrometer Cylinders
Cylinders, Soil Suspension, ASTM-AASHO
Graduated Measuring Cylinders, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, Non-Serialized, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, Non-Serialized, Double Metric Graduations, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Deliver (TD), Double Metric Graduations, Class A, White Scale, Bumper Guard, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Contain (TC), Double Metric Graduations, Class A, White Scale, Bumper Guard, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, Non-Serialized, Single Metric Graduations, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Deliver (TD), Single Metric Graduations, Class A, White Scale, Bumper Guard, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Contain (TC), Single Metric Graduations, Class A, White Scale, Bumper Guard, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Cylinders, To Deliver(TD), Single Metrics Graduations, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Cylinders, To Contain(TC), Single Metrics Graduations, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, Mixing, To Contain (TC), As Per USP Standards
Cylinders, To Contain (TC), Class A, Batch Certified, White Scale, Mixing, Single Metric Scale
Cylinders, Mixing, To Contain (TC), Class A, Serialized and Certified, White Scale, Single Metric Scale
Dishes, Crystallizing, Without Spout
Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain
Petri Dishes (Borosilicate Glass)
PS (Poly Styrene) Petri Dishes
Evaporating Dishes, Glass
Distilling Bulb, Kugelrohr
Distillation, Cow Receiver
Distilling, Cow Receiver Graduated
Distilling, Receiver, With Hose Connection
Distillation, Receiving Set, with Rotating cow
Distribution, Receiver, Vertical Orientation
Distilling Receiver, Graduated, With Hooks
Distillation Receiver, Moisture Test, Dean - Stark
Distillation Receiver for oils lighter than water
Distillation Head, Vigreux, Micro
Distillation Head, Jacketed, Vigreux, Micro
Distillation Head, Vigreux, Jacketed
Distillation Head, Micro Scale
Distillation Apparatus, Short Path, Vacuum Jacketed, Vigreux
Distillation, Short Path with 24/40 Joint
Distilling Head, Short Path, For Volatile Solvents
Distilling Head, Short Path, For Volatile Distillants
Drying Chamber, Abderhalden
Desiccant Flask
Regular Sulphite/Cyanide Distillation Apparatus TLG®
Components for Midi-Cyanide Distillation Apparatus (Midi VAP® 3000)
Components for Midi-Ammonia Distillation Apparatus (Midi VAP® 3000)
Components for Midi-Phenol Distillation Apparatus (Midi VAP® 3000)
Monier-Williams Sulfites Distillation Apparatus (Sulfur Dioxide Test Apparatus)
Nitrogen Determination (Kjeldahl) Assembly
Alcohol Determination - Distillation Apparatus <611>
General Distillation Apparatus and Replacement Parts
General distillation apparatus
Distillation Apparatus - Replacement Parts
Alginates Apparatus <311>
Essential Oil Determination Apparatus
Congealing Temperature Apparatus
Distilling Receivers, Moisture Test, Bidwell-Sterling
Apparatus for the Determination of Distillation Range - European Pharmacopoeia 5.0
Stopper, Penny-Head, Glass, Hollow
Stopper, With #15 O-Ring Joint
Stopper, Penny-Head, Glass, Solid
Stopper, Glass, Flask Length, Penny Head
Stopper, Cap Design
Stopper, Spherical, Penny Head
Stopper, PTFE
Stopper, PTFE, Flask Length
Septum Stoppers, Sleeve Type, Septa
Stopper, Plastic, Flask Length
Stopper, Amber Glass, Flask Length, Penny Head
Cork Stoppers
Neoprene Stoppers
Rubber Stopper
Rubber Stopper, with 1 Hole
Rubber Stopper, with 2 Holes
Rubber Stopper, Solid
Polyethylene Stoppers
Barrel Head Stoppers
Evaporation Apparatus
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap Anti Climb
Adapter, Distillation Trap
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap, Anti-Splash
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap, Anti-Splash With Fritted Disc
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap Anti-Splash, Modified
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap, Fritted
Rotary, Evaporator, Bump Trap, Anti-Splash With Fritted Disc, Modified
Extractor Soxhlet
Condenser, For Soxhlet Extractors
Extractor, Soxhlet
Extractor, Liquid-Liquid, Continuous
Gas Dispersion Tube
Gas Dispersion Tube, Fritted
Gas Dispersion Tube, Fritted, 15° Angle
Gas Dispersion Tube, Fritted, 90° Angle
Gas dispersion, Fritted Cylinder
Reusable Glass Pipette, Serological, Class A, Color-Coded, To Deliver
Pipette, Measuring (Mohr) Class A, Color-Coded, with Colored Markings, To Deliver
Disposable Borosilicate Glass Pasteur Pipettes
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Clear, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Accuracy As Per Class A - Non Serialized, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Accuracy As Per Class A - Serialized, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Serialized and Certified, To Contain, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With Two Marks, Clear, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, With Two Marks, To Contain (TC) & To Deliver (TD), Accuracy As Per Class A - Non Serialized
Pipette Volumetric, With Two Marks, To Contain (TC) & To Deliver (TD), Accuracy As Per Class A - Serialized
Pipette Volumetric, With One Mark, Low Actinic Amber, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Pipette Volumetric, Low Actinic Amber, With One Mark, Accuracy As Per Class A - Serialized
Pipette Volumetric, Low Actinic Amber, With One Mark, Accuracy As Per Class A - Non Serialized
TLG® Disposable Bulk Glass Serological Pipets, TD, Non-Sterile, Unplugged
Peptide Synthesis Vessel
Peptide Synthesis Vessel, Solid Phase
Peptide Synthesis Vessel, Solid Phase, T-Bore PTFE Stopcock
Peptide Synthesis Vessel, Solid Phase, T-Bore, Vacuum
Peptide Synthesis Vessel, With Lower Joint And T-Bore PTFE Plug
Pressure Vessel
Pressure Vessel, Heavy Wall, Cylindrical Vessel
Pressure Vessel, Heavy wall, Round Bottom Vessel
Solvent Still
Solvent Still, Repurification (Grease-Free)
Solvent Still Head
Solvent Still Head, With Teflon® Stopcock
Solvent Still, High Vacuum Valves
Solvent Still, Built - In Condenser
Solvent Still, With High Vacuum Valves
Distilling Heat, Solvent
Metal Lab Ware
Teasing Needle
Wire Gauze Squares
Medical Spoon
Laboratory Jacks
Laboratory Forcep
Dish Forcep
General Purpose Extra-Long Forcep
High Precision Straight Broad Strong Point Forceps
Curved Medium Point General Purpose Forceps
High Precision 45° Curved Tapered Very Fine Point Forceps
High Precision Straight Tapered Flat Point Forceps
Filter/Membrane Forceps
Fine Precision Medium Tipped Forceps
Cover Glass Offset Thumb Forceps
Straight Broad Strong Tip General Application Forceps
Surgical Design Straight Forceps
Metal Clamps
Three Finger Clamp
Three Finger Double Adjustment Clamp
Two Prong Extension Clamp(Small)
Two Prong Extension Clamp (Medium)
Three Finger Double Adjust Swivel Clamp (large)
Suspension Clamp
Thermometer Extension Clamp
Thermometer Swivel Clamp
Bosshead, Black Plated Finish
Extension Clamp
Swivel Clamp
Flexible Clamp With Rotatable Bosshead
Spring Tubing Clamp
Spherical Joint Pinch Clamp
Double Burette Clamp (Alloy)
Crucible Tongs, Stainless Steel, Bowed Type
Crucible Tongs, Stainless Steel, Straight Type
Beaker Tong
Test tube and Thermometer holder
Alloy Test Tube & Thermometer Holder
Test Tube & Thermometer Swivel Holder (Alloy)
Mohr Tubing Clip (spring steel)
Hoffman Tubing Clip
Metal Standard Taper Clips
Conical Head Clips (s/s)
Electrode Stand With Swivel Arm
Tripod, Triangular Top (Stainless Steel)
Tripod, Circular Top (Stainless Steel)
Rectangular Retort Stand Base
Retort Stand Base, with Metal Sheet (Stainless Steel)
Tripod Retort Stand Base
Clay Pipe Triangles
Open Ring Retort Support
Closed Ring Retort Support With Bosshead
Circular Support Platforms With Bosshead
Spoons and Spatulas
Laboratory Scoop
Metal Wire Racks for Centrifuge Tubes
Metal Wire Rack for Test Tubes
Teflon® Stopcocks
Stopcock, PTFE Straight Bore
Stopcock, 1:5 PTFE, T-Bore
Stopcock, 1:5 Teflon®, Double Oblique Bore
Stopcock, Teflon®, 120° Bore
Glass Stopcocks
Stopcock, Glass, Hollow Plug, Oblique, High Vacuum
Stopcock, Glass, Hollow Plug, Double Oblique, High Vacuum
Stopcock, Glass, Hollow Plug, Offset, High Vacuum
Stopcock, Glass, Hollow Plug, 90°, High vacuum
Stopcock, Glass, Hollow Plug, T-Type, High vacuum
Stopcock, Straight Bore, Glass Plug
Stopcock, High Vacuum, Straight Bore, Glass Plug
Stopcock, PP
Stopcock , Two Way , PP
Stopcock, Three Way, PP
Sublimator, With 2mm Glass Stopcock
High Vacuum Valve
Plug, High Vacuum Valve, PTFE Stem, Viton® O-Ring
Valve, High Vacuum, PTFE, O-Ring
Valve, High Vacuum, PTFE, O-Ring, 180°
Valve, High Vacuum, PTFE, O-Ring, Three Way
Teflon®, High Vacuum Valve
Valve, High Vacuum,Teflon® Protected, 90°
Valve, High Vacuum, Teflon® Protected, 180°
Valve, High Vacuum, Teflon® Protected, Low Hold Up
Valve, High Vacuum, Teflon® Protected, Three Way
Valve, High Vacuum, Teflon® Protected, 90° TMetering
Valve, High Vacuum, Teflon® Protected, Low Hold Up, Metering
Filtration Products
Syringe Filters
Syringe Filter- TLG
TLG Syringe Filter, Polyamide (PA), Nylon66 (Hydrophilic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polytetrafluorethylene, PTFE (Hydrophobic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polyvinylidenefluoride, PVDF (Hydrophilic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Mixed Cellulose Ester, MCE (Hydrophilic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polyethersulfone, PES (Hydrophilic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polypropylene, PP (Hydrophobic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polytetrafluorethylene PTFE (Hydrophilic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Cellulose Acetate, (CA) (Hydrophilic)
TLG Glass Fiber Syringe Filter, (Hydrophobic)
TLG Syringe Filter, Polyvinylidenefluoride, PVDF (Hydrophobic)
Syringe filter with Prefilter
Nylon Syringe Filter with Glass Fiber Prefilter
PTFE Syringe Filter with Glass Fiber Prefilter
PVDF Syringe Filter with Glass Fiber Prefilter
Sterile Syringe Filter
Cellulose Acetate (CA), Sterile, Hydrophilic
Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE), Sterile, Hydrophilic
Nylon, Sterile, Hydrophilic
Polyethersulfone (PES), Sterile, Hydrophilic
Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), Sterile, Hydrophilic
Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), Sterile, Hydrophobic
Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF), Sterile, Hydrophilic
Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF), Sterile, Hydrophobic
Syringe Filter- ECONO
ECONO Syringe Filter, Polyamide (PA), Nylon66 (Hydrophilic)
ECONO Syringe Filter, Polytetrafluorethylene PTFE (Hydrophobic)
ECONO Syringe Filter, Polyvinylidenefluoride, PVDF (Hydrophilic)
Membrane Filters
Nylon 66 Membrane Filter
PTFE (Hydrophobic) Membrane Filter
PVDF (Hydrophobic) Membrane Filter
Sterile MCE Gridded Membrane Filter, White, Individually Packed
PVDF (Hydrophillic) Membrane Filter
PTFE (Hydrophillic) Membrane Filter
MCE (Hydrophillic) Membrane Filter
Filter Papers
Qualitative Filter Papers
TLG® Qualitative Filter Papers - No.1
TLG® Qualitative Filter Papers - No.2
TLG® Qualitative Filter Papers - No.3
TLG® Qualitative Filter Papers - No.4
TLG® Qualitative Filter Papers - No.5
Ashless Quantitative Filter Papers
TLG® Ashless Quantitative Filter Papers - No.40
TLG® Ashless Quantitative Filter Papers - No.41
TLG® Ashless Quantitative Filter Papers - No.42
Glass Microfiber Filters, Binder-Free
TLG® Glass Microfiber Filters, Binder-Free, Grade GF/1 (?Grade GF/A) , 1.6µm
TLG® Glass Microfiber Filters, Binder-Free, Grade GF/2 (?Grade GF/B), 1.0µm
TLG® Glass Microfiber Filters, Binder-Free, Grade GF/3 (? Grade GF/C), 1.2µm
TLG® Glass Microfiber TCLP Filters, Binder-Free, Grade GF/5 (?Grade GF/F), 0.7µm
Disposable Vacuum Filtration Apparatus
Filter Vials
Filtration Extraction Thimbles - Grade 645 Cellulose
Filtration Extraction Thimbles - Grade 649 Glass Fiber
Vials/ phial
Chromatography Vials
Micro Inserts for Screw Thread and Crimp Vials
Snap Seal Glass Chromatography Vials
Clear Snap Seal Vials
Amber Snap Seal Vials
Clear Snap Seal Glass Chromatography Vials-Silanized
Amber Snap seal Glass Chromatography Vials-Silanized
Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Clear Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Amber Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Polypropylene Vial For PFAS Analysis
Clear Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials-Silanized
Amber Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials-Silanized
Pre-Capped Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Clear Pre-Capped Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Amber Pre-Capped Screw Thread Glass Chromatography Vials
Crimp Top Glass Chromatography Vials
Clear Crimp Top Glass Chromatography Vials
Amber Crimp Top Glass Chromatography Vials
Headspace Glass Chromatography Vials
Screw Top Headspace Vials
Crimp Top Headspace Vials
Manual Crimper
High Recovery Vials
High Recovery Crimp Type (11mm)
High Recovery Vial Screw Thread
Fused Insert Vials with 300µl Insert
Glass Vials
Scintillation Vials
TLG™ Economical Glass EPA Vials
Tooled-Neck Vials
Screw Thread Sample Vials, Dram Vials, Storage Vials
Screw Thread Sample Vials - Clear Glass (51 Expansion Borosilicate Glass)
Clear Glass Sample Vials with Polyvinyl Faced Pulp Lined Phenolic Screw Caps
Clear Glass Sample Vials with Rubber Lined Phenolic Screw Caps
Clear Glass Sample Vials (Without Caps)
Clear Glass Sample Vials with PTFE-Faced White Rubber Lined Phenolic Screw Caps
Screw Thread Sample Vials - Amber Glass Screw (51 Expansion Borosilicate Glass)
Amber Glass Sample Vials with White Rubber Lined Phenolic Screw Caps
Amber Glass Sample Vials with PTFE-Faced White Rubber Lined Phenolic Screw Caps
Amber Glass, Sample vials ,Without Caps
Shell Vials, Clear, Tite-Seal Closure, Snap Cap
Serum Vials
Watch Glass
Watch Glass
Arsine Generator
Arsine Generator - USP Type
Arsine Generator - USP Type (Improved Version)
Arsenic Limit Test - As Per Japanese Pharmacopeia- JP XIV
Arsine Generator- European Pharmacopeia Method 2.4.2
Standard Wall, Griffin Low Form, Double Scale, Graduated
Jacketed Reaction Beaker
Heavy Duty, Low Form, Graduated
PTFE (Teflon) Beakers
Standard Wall, Tall Form, with Spout, Graduated
Beakers with Handles
Filtration Apparatus
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm All-Glass, With Fritted Glass Support Base with 40/35 joint
Complete Set
Replacement parts
Accessory Vacuum Bottle, Conical bottom
Accessory Vacuum Flask
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm, With Glass Support, With Silicone Stopper
Complete Set
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm, With PTFE-Faced Fritted Glass Support
Complete Set
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm, With Stainless Steel Support with 40/35 joint
Complete Set
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm, With Stainless Steel Support, With Silicon Stopper
Microfiltration Apparatus, 47mm, With Stainless Steel Support silicon stopper
Replacement parts
Accessory Filtration Flask, Safety Coated
Microfiltration Apparatus, 25mm
Microfiltration Apparatus, 25mm, With Fritted Glass Support
Replacement parts
Accessory Filtration Flask
Microfiltration Apparatus, 25mm, Wiith Stainless Steel Support
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm
Duraware Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm Glass Support base having Silicone Stopper
Complete Set (Duraware Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm, Assembly)
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm, With Fritted Glass Support Base, 40/35 Joint
Complete Set ( With, 90mm Fritted Glass Support Base, 40/35 Joint & 1000 ml , 90 mm Funnel Cup & 90 mm Clamp )
Replacement parts
Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm, With Stainless Steel Support 40/35 Joint
Complete Set
Replacement Part
Microfiltration Apparatus, 90mm, With Stainless Steel Support, With Silicon Stopper
Complete Set
Replacement Parts
Accessory Filteration Flask
Replacement Parts for Duraware Microfiltration Assembly to fit GL 45 Media Bottles
Duraware complete set of Microfiltration Assembly with 90 mm Fritted Glass Support to fit GL 45 Style Bottle
Duraware Microfiltration with Fritted Glass support to fit GL 45 Glass Media bottle
Duraware complete set of Microfiltration Assembly with 47 mm Fritted Glass Support to fit GL 45 Style Bottle
Replacement Parts for Duraware Microfiltration Assembly to fit GL 45 Media Bottles
Duraware complete set of Microfiltration Assembly with 90 mm Fritted Glass Support to fit GL 45 Style Bottle
Accessory Glass Media Bottle
Stirrer Consumables
Soft Glass Stirring Rods
Magnetic Stirring Bar
PTFE Magnetic Stir Bar Retrievers
Octagon Spinring Magnetic Stirrer Bar Teflon
PTFE Egg - Shaped (Oval) Magnetic Stir Bars
PTFE Octagon-Shaped Magnetic Stir Bar
PTFE Polygon Magnetic Stir Bars with Pivot Ring
PTFE Plain Magnetic Stir Bars
PTFE Cylindrical Magnetic Stir Bars
Chromatography Analytical
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
Empty polypropylene SPE Tube with PE frits, 20 µm porosity
Kjeldahl Flasks
Flask, Kjeldahl, Long Neck With Standard Taper Joint
Iodine Flasks
Flask, Iodine
Erlenmeyer Flasks
Flask Erlenmeyer, GL Threads
Erlenmeyer Flask, Narrow Neck With Graduation
Flask, Erlenmeyer, Outer Joint
Erlenmeyer Flask, Wide Neck With Graduation
Flask, Filtering / Erlenmeyer, Heavy Wall, Graduated
Erlenmeyer Flask, Amber
Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrow mouth ,Flask length Joint, Graduated
Round Bottom Flasks
Flask, Round Bottom, Threaded Inlet
Flask, Round Bottom 4-Neck,Vertical
Flask, Round Bottom, 4-Neck, Angled
Flask, Round Bottom, Single Neck
Flask, Round Bottom with Hooks
Flask, Two Neck, Angled
Flask, Round Bottom, 3-Neck Bottom Outlet
Flask, Three Neck, Angled
Flask, Three Neck, Vertical
Flask, Round Bottom, Spherical Joint
Flask, Round Bottom, Single Neck, Amber
Flat Bottom Flasks
Flask, Flat Bottom, Single Neck
Flask, Flat Bottom, Amber
Filtering / Vacuum Flasks
Flask, Buckner, Filtration Bolt Neck
Flask, Filtering Heavy Wall with Standard Taper Joint
TLG® Flasks, Filtering , Heavy Wall, Safety coating , Tubulation, Graduated
Evaporation / Recovery Flasks
Flask, Evaporation / Recovery
Pear Shape Flasks
Flask, Pear Shape, Single Neck
Flask, Two Neck, Pear Shape
Schlenk Tube Flasks
Flask, Storage With Outer Joint
Flask, Solvent Transfer/Storage, Straus, Airfree Schlenk
Flask, High Vacuum Valve
Flask, Reaction Tube, With Glass Stopcock
Flask, Reaction, High Vacuum Valve
Flask, Reaction Tube, High Vacuum Valve
Flask, Reaction Tube, Male Joint
Tube, Storage, High Vacuum Valve
Flask, Reaction Tube, With Inner (Male) Joint
Tube, Storage With Outer Joint
Flask, Reaction Tube, With Outer Joint
Flask, Modified Schlenk Tube
Flask, Distillation
TLG® Flasks for Determining Phosphoric Acid in Fertilizer
Kohlrausch Volumetric Flasks
Combustion Flask
Combustion Flask Only
Combustion Flask Stoppers with Platinum Sample Carriers
Platinum Sample Carriers
Oxygen Combustion Flask Set
Volumetric Flasks
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Micro, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Micro Scale, With Glass Stoppers, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Amber Class A, Micro Scale, With Glass Stoppers, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Micro Scale, Test tube type, As Per USP Standards
Polypropylene Volumetric Flasks
Volumetric Flasks, Narrow Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Narrow Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Narrow Mouth, With Polyethylene stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Narrow Mouth, With Glass Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Narrow Mouth, With PTFE Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Wide Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Heavy Duty, Wide Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Glass Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With PTFE Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Heavy Duty, Wide Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Glass Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With PTFE Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Heavy Duty, Wide Mouth, Class A, Odd Sizes, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, Odd Sizes, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With Glass Stopper, Odd Sizes, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, With PTFE Stopper, Odd sizes, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flask, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, With Glass Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, With PTFE Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Wide Mouth, With Glass Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Serialized and Certified Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, Low Actinic Amber, With PTFE Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Amber, Narrow Mouth, Class A, As Per USP Standards
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Low Actinic Amber, Narrow Mouth, With Polyethylene Stopper, As Per USP Standards
Colourware Volumetric Flask, Class A, Wide Mouth, As Per USP Standards
Cassia Volumetric Flask
Volumetric Flask for Sugar Analysis
Shake Flask
Shake Flasks, 3 Deep Baffles, Reinforced Top
Shake Flasks, 3 Baffles, GL-Thread, Vented Caps
Shake Flasks, 4 Baffles, Constriction, Reinforced Top
Flask, Round Bottom, Threaded
Dessicator With Lid, Plain
Dessicator With Lid, Vacuum
Plates for Desiccator
Weighing Consumables
Weighing Bottles
Weighing Bottles, Low Form, Short Length Joint
Weighing Bottles, Tall Form, Short Length Joint
Weighing Bottles, Regular Form, Short Length External Joint
Weighing Funnel
Polystyrene Weighing Dishes
Square Polystyrene Weighing Boats
Flat Bottom Square Polystyrene Weighing Boats
Polystyrene Weighing Canoes
Polystyrene Weighing Vessels
Diamond Shape Polystyrene Weighing Boats
Hexagonal Polystyrene Weighing Dishes
Weighing Paper
Aluminum Weighing Dishes
Disposable Round Aluminum Weighing Dishes with Tabs
Disposable Aluminum Weighing/Drying/Moisture Analyzers/Sampling Pans
Disposable Smooth-Walled Weighing & Mixing Dishes/Boats
General Purpose Disposable Aluminum Weighing Dishes/Pans
Microbalance Weighing Consumables, Aluminium
Aluminium shovel
Round Micro Weighing Boat without Handle, Aluminum
Round Micro Weighing Boat with Handle, Aluminum
Round Micro Weighing Boat , Strong wall ,with Breach and Handle, Aluminum
Rectangle Micro Weighing Boat, Aluminum With Handles
Polypropylene, Weighing Funnel
Caps and Closures
Caps and Septa for Chromatography Vials
Screw Thread Caps and Septa for Chromatography Vials
Crimp Top Seals (ND11) for Chromatography Vials
Snap Top Seals (ND11) for Chromatography Vials
Closures and Septa for Headspace Vials
Crimp Top Seals (20mm) for Headspace Vials
Screw Thread Caps (18mm) for Headspace Vials
Polypropylene Caps
Polypropylene Closures
Closure and Septa for EPA Vials
Multi-Port Adapter / Insert with GL45 Cap Attachment
Polypropylene Cap with Liner
Phenolic Caps
Screw Thread Caps for Culture Tubes
Phenolic Closures with Cemented-in PTFE-Faced White Rubber Liner
Phenolic Closures with Cemented-in White Rubber Liners
Screw Thread Caps for Vials
Phenolic Closures with Cemented-in White Rubber Liners
Phenolic Closures with Cemented-in PTFE-Faced White Rubber Liner
Phenolic Closures with Polyvinyl-Faced Pulp Liner
Phenolic Closures with PE Poly-Sealb™ Cone Liner
Plastic Caps for Test Tubes
Caps, Solid, GL- 45 Threads, Polypropylene Color Caps
Pouring Rings, GL-45, Polypropylene
High Temperature Caps, Solid, PBTE, PTFE Seals
GL Caps With Aperture
Silicone Sealing Rings for GL Threads
Plastic Lab Ware
Conical Head Keck Clips
Multi Purpose Racks
Plastic Rack for Centrifuge and Test Tubes
Horizon Pipette Rack
Drying Rack
HPLC Vial Racks
Centrifuge Tube Stand , Polycarbonate
Nessler cylinder Stand
Drying Racks
Scoop, PP
Measuring Cylinder, PP
Measuring Cylinder, PP, Class B
Plastic Beakers
Beakers without Handle, PP
Beakers with Handle, PP
Plain and Vacuum Dessicator
Plastic Test Tubes
Carboy, With Handles
Carboy, With Spigot
Bottles, Plastic
Round Bottles, Plastic
Round Bottle, Plastic, Narrow Neck
Round Bottle, Plastic, Wide Neck
Round Bottle, Plastic, Narrow Neck , Amber
Round Bottle, Plastic, Wide Neck, Amber
Square bottles, Plastic
Square Bottle, Plastic, Wide Neck
Square bottle, Plastic, Narrow Neck
Square Bottle, Plastic, Narrow Neck, Amber
Square Bottle, Plastic, Wide Neck, Amber
LDPE Dropping Bottles With closures
Dropping Bottle (OLD TYPE)
Urine Container, PP
Stool Container without Spatula
Stool Container With Spatula
Centrifuge Tubes
Oak Ridge Centrifuge Tubes
Centrifuge Tubes For PFAS Analysis
Flask, PP
Conical Flask, Polypropylene
Erlenmeyer Flask, Wide Neck, PP
Funnel, PP
Filteration funnel
Powder Funnel, PP
Buchner Funnel, PP
Separatory Funnel, Pear Shape, Screw Cap, PP
Pipette Tips
Universal Micro Pipette Tips
Low Retention filter tip (Bulk pack)
Low Retention filter tip ( Sterile)
Disposable Pasteur Pipette - LDPE
Safety wash bottles
Labelled Wash Bottles
Translucent White Wash Bottle
LDPE Wash Bottle ( Vent Style)
LevGo smartSpatula
Connectors, PP
T- Connector
Y- Connectors
Tubing, PVC ( Poly vinyl Chloride)
Plastic Serological Disposable Pipettes, Sterile
Titration Sample Beakers
Digestion Tubes and Accessories
Digestion Tubes
Digestion Accessories
Plastic Serological Disposable Pipettes, Sterile, Bulk Packed
Bottle Safety Carriers
Bottle Safety Carriers for 2.5L and 4L
Bottle Safety Carriers for 500mL and 1000L
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle, Agate
Mortar and Pestle, Glass
TLG Porcelain Pestles
TLG Porcelain Mortar
Rubber Ware
O-Ring, Viton®
Filter Adapters
Rubber Bulbs, Natural For Pasteur Pipettes
TLG® Safety Bulb Pipet Filler
TLG® Red Rubber Bulb
Double Valve Bulbs
Safety Pipette Filler
Rubber Cone for Filtration Flask
Lamps - Detector
Long Life Deuterium Lamps for HPLC
Glass Blowing Supplies
Sockets, Single Joint
Cones, Single Joint
Spherical Joints, O-Ring Ball
Spherical Joints, Ball Members
Spherical Joints, Polished Cup (Socket) Members
Tube With Threads, GPI
Removable Hose Connections, GL Threads
Glassblowers Hose Connections
Glassblowers Hose Connections-Direct Sealing
Frit , Glass
Ground joints , flask length
Tubes, Screw Thread, GL
Thermometer, Non-Mercury
Thermometers, ASTM - Calibrated
Thermometers, ASTM - Non-Calibrated
Thermometers, Digital
TLG® Mercury Thermometer, for Pycnometer
Isokinetic Sampling Glassware
Bottles - Isokinetic Sampling Glassware
Filter By-Pass
"S" or Double "L"
Cyclone By-Pass
XAD Trap
HAP Trap
Probe Liner
Probe Liner, Straight
Probe Liner, with Nozzle
Filter Assembly
Impinger Insert
Platinum Labware
Crucibles, Platinum, Standard Form
Crucibles, Platinum, Low Form
Liquid Handling
TLG® FAB Variable Volume Micropipette
Dispenser - Bottle Top
TLG® Scitus, Autoclavable Bottle Top Dispensers
TLG® BEATUS Bottle Top Dispenser with Re-Circulation Valve
TLG® Bottle Top Dispenser with Dual Inlet Technology
TLG® Pipette Controller
Repeat volume pipettor
Repeat volume pipettor
Sterile Dispenser Syringe Tips
Non-Sterile Dispenser Syringe Tips
Pipet Pump
General Purpose Laboratory Syringes
Air-Tite™ Syringes (Non -sterile) 3-Part
Air-Tite Products 2-Part Syringe (Non-sterile)
Air-Tite™ Syringes sterile 3 part
Air-Tite Products 2-Part Syringe (Sterile)
Laboratory Paper
pH Indicator Paper
pH Indicator Paper- strips
pH Test Paper Roll
Lens Paper
Glassware For Petrolium Industry
Emulsion / Cylinder Tubes
Bunsen Burner, With Stopcock
Burner, Natural Gas
Burner With Flame Stabilizer
Standard Bunsen Burner
Bunsen Burner
Bunsen Burner, Adjustable
Bunsen Burner, Micro
Burner Tirrill
Meker Burner
Burner, High Temperature
Bunsen Burner, Pilot Flame
Teclu Burner
Meker Burner, Heavy Base
Burner Meker Economy
Burner Tube
Flame Spreader
Hooded Gas Lighters
Quartz Labware-Fused
Fused Quartz - Opaque
Silica Crucibles and Lids
Silica Basins
Replacement Parts
Boiling Flasks With Standard Taper Outer Joint
Erlenmeyer Flasks
Erlenmeyer Flasks with Standard Taper Outer Joint
Distilling Flasks
Kjeldahl Flasks
Beakers- Low Form
Beakers- Tall Form
Test Tubes With Lip
Round Dishes
Evaporating Dishes
Quartz Crucibles
Quartz Crucibles, Without Lids
Quartz Crucible Lids
Quartz Volumetric Flask
Microscopy Consumables
Glass Slides
TLG® Super White Glass (Diamond Line) Color Frosted, Adapted For Thermal Transfer Printers
Color Frosted, Ground Edges, Corners 45°
Normal Glass Slide- Plain
Normal Glass Slide-Frosted
Super White Glass
Cover Glass
Super White Standard Glass
Thickness NR.1.0 - 0.13 - 0.16 mm
Thickness NR.1.5 - 0.16 - 0.19 mm
Thickness NR.2.0 - 0.19 - 0.22 mm
Microscope Cover Glass, Circular, TLG® Super White Glass(Diamond Line)
Thickness NR.1.0 - 0.13 - 0.16 mm
Thickness NR.1.5 - 0.16 - 0.19 mm
Thickness NR.2.0 - 0.19 - 0.22 mm
Equipment (Laboratory)
Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
7" Led Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
5" LED Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
5" Analog Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
Position Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
Ultra-Flat Mini Magnetic Stirrer
Vortex Mixer
Vortex Mixer- Analog
Mini Vortex Mixers
Accessories-Vortex Mixer
Vortex Mixer-Digital
Sonorex Ultrasonic Pipette Washer for Pipettes
Equipment (Laboratory)
Water and Laboratory Analysis instrument
Benchtop Meters
pH/ORP Professional Benchtop Meters
Professional Benchtop pH/ ORP/ ISE/ Temp Meter
Professional Benchtop EC/TDS Meter
Portable Meters
Pocket Testers
Laboratory Centrifuge
Labware Materials
PTFE Boiling Stones
Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double, With Front-Left & Rear-Right
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double, With Front- Right & Rear-Left
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double, With Front- Left-Right & Rear-Left
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, Double, With Front-Left- Right & Rear-Right
Vacuum/Inert Gas, All Glass
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, All Glass, Front-Left & Rear-Left-Right
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, All Glass, Front-Left- Right & Rear-Right
Manifold, Vacuum/Inert Gas, All Glass, Front-Right & Rear-Left-Right
High Vacuum Solid Glass Stopcock
Manifold, High Vacuum Solid Glass Stopcock, Front-Left-Right & Rear-Left-Right
Manifold, High Vacuum Solid Glass Stopcocks, Front-Left & Rear-Right
Manifold, High Vacuum Solid Glass Stopcocks, Front-Right & Rear-Left
Manifold, High Vacuum Solid Glass Stopcocks, Front-Left-Right & Rear-Left
Vacuum, Teflon® Stopcock
Vacuum Manifold, Teflon® Stopcocks, Hose Connection At Right Side
Vacuum Manifold, Teflon® Stopcocks, Hose Connection At Left End
Vacuum Manifold, Teflon® Stopcocks, Hose Connection At Both Ends
High Vacuum Valves
Vacuum Manifold, High Vacuum Valves, Hose Connection At Right Side
Vacuum Manifold, High Vacuum Valves, Hose Connection At Left Side
Vacuum Manifold, High Vacuum Valves, Hose Connection At Both Ends
Nitrogen/Argon Line, Teflon®
Manifold, Nitrogen/Argon Line, Teflon®, Both Ends Hose Connections
Manifold, Nitrogen/Argon Line, Teflon®, Left Hose Connection
Manifold, Nitrogen/Argon Line, Teflon®, Right Hose Connection
Manifold, Double, Hollow Glass Stopcocks, Spherical Joints
Manifold, Double, Hollow Glass Stopcocks, Right Hand Side
Manifold, Double, Hollow Glass Stopcocks, Left Hand Side
Manifold, Double, High Vacuum Valve and 35/20 Spherical Joint
With #15 O-Rings
Manifold, With # 15 O-Ring Joints
Manifold, Vacuum, Single, With # 15 O-Ring Joints
Manifold, Double Banks, With # 15 O-Ring Joints
Manifold, Solvent Transfer
Adapter, #15 O-Ring Joint To Serrated Hose Connection
Adapter, #15 O-Ring Joint To Inner Joint
Stopper, With #15 O-Ring Joint
Trap Vacuum
Vacuum Trap, Spherical Joints
Vacuum Trap, 35/20 Ball Joints
Vacuum Trap, #15 O-Ring Joint
Vacuum Trap, With #15 O-Ring Joint, With High Vacuum Valve
Vacuum Trap, With #15 O-Ring Joint
Storage Vessel, #15 O-Ring Joint
Storage Flask, #15 O-Ring Joint
Vacuum Trap, Serrated Hose Connections
Vacuum Trap, Micro, Dewar
Vacuum Trap, Dewar Type
NITRILE Gloves Medical Grade
Medical Grade Bio-degradable
Dental Grade
Nitrile Gloves Industrial Grade
Food Grade
Medical Grade
TLG Three-Line Alarm Timer
Four-Channel Countdown Alarm Digital Timer
TLG Clock/Thermometer/Calendar/Timer/ humidity
Petroleum Labware
Conical centrifuge tubes with white graduation ( 100ml)
Conical centrifuge tube with capillary tip ( 100ml)
Ramsbottom Carbon Residue Bulb
Cryogenic Products
Cool Cell Containers
Cool Racks
Cool Rack , Tall Modules
Cool Rack for Injectable Cell Therapy Ampules
Cool Rack for Blood Collection Tube
NMR Tubes
Precision 3MM OD NMR Tubes
Precision 5mm OD NMR Tubes
Precision 5mm OD PTFE Valve NMR Tubes
Precision 5mm OD Screw Cap NMR Tubes
Precision 5mm Constricted NMR Tubes
Precision 5mm Coaxial NMR Tube
Precision 5mm OD Quartz NMR Tube
Precision 10mm OD NMR Tubes
Ubbelohde Calibrated Viscometer
Analyzed Quantitative Unknowns
Methylene Chloride / Dichloromethane (DCM)
Methylene Chloride / Dichloromethane (DCM) CHROMSOLV ™, HPLC grade, SATI Chemicals™
Hexane CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™
Isopropanols CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™
Tetrahydrofuran CHROMSOLV ™, HPLC grade, SATI Chemicals™ (Stabalized)
Tetrahydrofuran CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™ (Unstabilized)
Methanol CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™
Acetone CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™
Acetonitrile CHROMSOLV™, HPLC Grade, SATI Chemicals™
Ethyl acetate
Dimethyl sulfoxide
Cell Culture
Cell Culture Plates
Cell Culture Dishes
Film and Foil Wrapping and Accessories
Sterile Sampling Bags
CHEMSCIENCE® Write On Sterilized Bags- Four Side Sealed
CHEMSCIENCE® Undosed Sampling Bags Stand-Up
CHEMSCIENCE® Sampling Bags-Tubular
Distillation Apparatus, Microscale
Adapter, Gas Inlet/Outlet
Adapter Vacuum, 1:5 Teflon Stopcock
Adapter, Inlet or Thermometer
Adapter, Thermometer, With Hose Connection
Adapter, Claisen, Threaded
Adapter, Vacuum Takeoff, Threaded
Hickman Still Head
Tube, Craig Recrystallization
Vial, Conical Reaction, Heavy Wall. Graduated
Conical Reaction Vial, 14/20, Graduated
Flask, Round Botom, Threaded
Flask, Pear Shape, Threaded
Flask, Round Bottom, 3-Neck
HiEnviro-Sponge™ Sticks
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